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Here, the first crystal structure of the TTBK2 kinase domain is described. Furthermore, the crystal structure of human TTBK2 in complex with a small-molecule inhibitor has successfully been determined to elucidate the structural differences in protein conformations between the two TTBK isoforms that could aid in SBDD for the design of inhibitors that selectively target TTBK1 over TTBK2.Twinning is a crystal-growth anomaly in which protein monomers exist in different orientations but are related in a specific way, causing diffraction reflections to overlap. Twinning imposes additional symmetry on the data, often leading to the assignment of a higher symmetry space group. Specifically, in merohedral twinning, reflections from each monomer overlap and require a twin law to model unique structural data from overlapping reflections. Neglecting twinning in the crystallographic analysis of quasi-rotationally symmetric homo-oligomeric protein structures can mask the degree of structural non-identity between monomers. In particular, any deviations from perfect symmetry will be lost if higher than appropriate symmetry is applied during crystallographic analysis. Such cases warrant choosing between the highest symmetry space group possible or determining whether the monomers have distinguishable structural asymmetries and thus require a lower symmetry space group and a twin law. Using hexagonal cocrystals of HIV-1 protease, a C2-symmetric homodimer whose symmetry is broken by bound ligand, it is shown that both assigning a lower symmetry space group and applying a twin law during refinement are critical to achieving a structural model that more accurately fits the electron density. By re-analyzing three recently published HIV-1 protease structures, improvements in nearly every crystallographic metric are demonstrated. Most importantly, a procedure is demonstrated where the inhibitor can be reliably modeled in a single orientation. This protocol may be applicable to many other homo-oligomers in the PDB.Cysteine serves as the sulfur source for the biosynthesis of Fe-S clusters and thio-cofactors, molecules that are required for core metabolic processes in all organisms. Therefore, cysteine desulfurases, which mobilize sulfur for its incorporation into thio-cofactors by cleaving the Cα-S bond of cysteine, are ubiquitous in nature. SufS, a type 2 cysteine desulfurase that is present in plants and microorganisms, mobilizes sulfur from cysteine to the transpersulfurase SufE to initiate Fe-S biosynthesis. Here, a 1.5 Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of the Escherichia coli SufS homodimer is reported which adopts a state in which the two monomers are rotated relative to their resting state, displacing a β-hairpin from its typical position blocking transpersulfurase access to the SufS active site. A global structure and sequence analysis of SufS family members indicates that the active-site β-hairpin is likely to require adjacent structural elements to function as a β-latch regulating access to the SufS active site.Model quality assessment programs estimate the quality of protein models and can be used to estimate local error in protein models. ProQ3D is the most recent and most accurate version of our software. Here, it is demonstrated that it is possible to use local error estimates to substantially increase the quality of the models for molecular replacement (MR). Adjusting the B factors using ProQ3D improved the log-likelihood gain (LLG) score by over 50% on average, resulting in significantly more successful models in MR compared with not using error estimates. On a data set of 431 homology models to address difficult MR targets, models with error estimates from ProQ3D received an LLG of >50 for almost half of the models 209/431 (48.5%), compared with 175/431 (40.6%) for the previous version, ProQ2, and only 74/431 (17.2%) for models with no error estimates, clearly demonstrating the added value of using error estimates to enable MR for more targets. ProQ3D is available from http//proq3.bioinfo.se/ both as a server and as a standalone download. open access.The phase problem remains a major barrier to overcome in protein structure solution by X-ray crystallography. In recent years, new molecular-replacement approaches using ab initio models and ideal secondary-structure components have greatly contributed to the solution of novel structures in the absence of clear homologues in the PDB or experimental phasing information. This has been particularly successful for highly α-helical structures, and especially coiled-coils, in which the relatively rigid α-helices provide very useful molecular-replacement fragments. This has been seen within the program AMPLE, which uses clustered and truncated ensembles of numerous ab initio models in structure solution, and is already accomplished for α-helical and coiled-coil structures. Here, an expansion in the scope of coiled-coil structure solution by AMPLE is reported, which has been achieved through general improvements in the pipeline, the removal of tNCS correction in molecular replacement and two improved methods for ab initio modelling. PD-1/PD-L1 Inhibitor 3 in vitro Of the latter improvements, enforcing the modelling of elongated helices overcame the bias towards globular folds and provided a rapid method (equivalent to the time requirements of the existing modelling procedures in AMPLE) for enhanced solution. Further, the modelling of two-, three- and four-helical oligomeric coiled-coils, and the use of full/partial oligomers in molecular replacement, provided additional success in difficult and lower resolution cases. Together, these approaches have enabled the solution of a number of parallel/antiparallel dimeric, trimeric and tetrameric coiled-coils at resolutions as low as 3.3 Å, and have thus overcome previous limitations in AMPLE and provided a new functionality in coiled-coil structure solution at lower resolutions. These new approaches have been incorporated into a new release of AMPLE in which automated elongated monomer and oligomer modelling may be activated by selecting `coiled-coil' mode. open access.Many biologists are now routinely seeking to determine the three-dimensional structures of their proteins of choice, illustrating the importance of this knowledge, but also of the simplification and streamlining of structure-determination processes. Despite the fact that most software packages offer simple pipelines, for the non-expert navigating the outputs and understanding the key aspects can be daunting. Here, the structure determination of the type IV pili (TFP) protein PilA1 from Clostridioides difficile is used to illustrate the different steps involved, the key decision criteria and important considerations when using the most common pipelines and software. Molecular-replacement pipelines within CCP4i2 are presented to illustrate the more commonly used processes. Previous knowledge of the biology and structure of TFP pilins, particularly the presence of a long, N-terminal α-helix required for pilus formation, allowed informed decisions to be made during the structure-determination strategy. The PilA1 structure was finally successfully determined using ARCIMBOLDO and the ab initio MR strategy used is described.